Preventative Health Care For The Whole Family

Acupuncture and Customized Herbal Medicine
With over 20 years of clinical experience, Anna Werderitsch develops personalized care plans and empowers you in your unique healing journey.
This is health care that helps you maintain wellness so you stay healthy and don’t get sick in the first place!
Many people don’t think about their health until they’re already sick.
Modern conventional medicine is set up to treat you only when there’s a problem. Acupuncture and herbal medicine offers you balance, health and well being to prevent illness.
Major and minor health challenges can cause a lot of stress and diminish your quality of life, and often your complaints are dismissed by mainstream health care, simply because they don’t have the solutions to your concerns.
Every single symptom has a cause, its just about solving the puzzle of what is preventing your body from optimal health and well being. Acupuncture and Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) is over 2000 years old and is a complete approach to wellness that gives your body what it needs to mend and thrive. When you start learning about your own health and well being you become aware of the things that can challenge your health, and you make better decisions.

Tele-health Appointment
Tele-health appointments offer customized herbal formulations and lifestyle advice via Zoom or a phone call.
The initial appointment will involve the in-depth intake of your symptoms and bodily functions. We will create a health plan with customized herbal formulas, dietary and lifestyle suggestions, and additional guidance that will support your health. Follow up telehealth appointments are suggested every two weeks, to allow us to track your progress, and adjust your health plan and herbs accordingly.
Come experience natural care for:

Ste. 250
Chelsea, MI 48118-1486
In with ProActive Chiro in the Clocktower Commons, same building as Los Tres Amigos.