About Anna Werderitsch, L.Ac.

The plants made me do it. They lead me into healing and alternative medicine.
Anna Werderitsch, L.Ac. has practiced Classical Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal medicine for over 20 years. She has successfully treated a variety of illnesses with this ancient medicine. Anna uses scalp, ear and body acupuncture; cupping, gua sha and moxa to increase the body’s natural ability to heal. As well, she creates customized herbal formulas, offers dietary guidance and offers her patients tools for self care and healing.
Her curiosity about plants as food and medicine guided her into the study of Chinese medicine. She received her Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Emperor’s College, California, and has continued her studies in Classical Chinese medicine with Dr. Suzanne Robidoux of the Jing Fang Academy.
She has taught many classes: Liver Love, Bitters, Quench Hydration, Aging Gracefully, Herbs for Pregnancy and Postpartum, Moxa Making, Elixirs, Nourishing the Womb-Fertility, Native Plants as herbs in the Sierra Foothills, Native Plant walks, and many more.
At three years old, I gathered miner’s lettuce, chickweed, nasturtiums, and other wild greens and flowers for our salads. I sought refuge in the woods behind our Northern California home, as I opened wild cucumber pods, squished snow berries between my fingers, and mixed ceanothus blossoms with my spit to “wash” my hands with their honey scent. This memory has guided me through my life to remind me to remain in deep relation to nature, and the roots of healing.
Education and Accomplishments
Bachelor of Arts Degree World Arts and Cultures, 1996, UCLA
Master’s Degree with honors from Emperor’s in 2002
Jing Fang: Classical Chinese Medicine, 2015-present
In 2015, I began studying “Jing Fang” with Dr. Suzanne Robidoux. Jing Fang can simply be defined as the study of classical Chinese herbalism, based on the philosophy of the Six Stages of Disease, and the eight guiding principles: i.e. the categorization of symptoms according to yin and yang; exterior and interior; heat and cold and deficiency and excess.
The philosophy and theory of Jing Fang come from the works of Zhang Zong Jing (year 150-219, the end of the Han Dynasty), in his writings of the Shang Han Lun (Six Stages of Disease) and the Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet). The most contemporary practitioners of the Six Stages of Disease using the classical herbal formulations are Professor Hu Xi shu and Dr. Feng Shi Lun.
In 2016, I went to China to follow Dr. Feng Shi Lun in his clinical rounds, and learn his applications of the Six Syndrome Diagnostic methods and classical herbal formulas that were successfully used for treatments of a broad range of illnesses and diseases.
In 2019 I attended an Advance Neurological Training in Toronto with Dr. Robidoux, where we used herbs and acupuncture to successfully treat Parkinsons, ADHD, severe depression, memory loss, paralysis.
I participated in a two-week intensive study on diagnosis and herbal medicine according to the Shang Han Lun, a two-thousand-year-old classical Chinese Medical text.
Every day we observed Dr. Feng in clinic giving effective herbal formulations for incredibly complicated cases.
This system is based on a symptom picture rather than a Western Medical diagnosis and is a more holistic way of treating clients. The system strengthens the body’s ability to resolve pathogenic forces and is a powerful healing modality.
I am currently in an advanced two year internship where I continue to deepen my studies of classical texts with Dr Suzanne Robidoux, to deepen my skills in the art of healing with Jing Fang.
I am deeply devoted to my practice and study of Jing Fang, as I have found these timeless applications of this method to be successful in treating our modern-day illnesses.
In 2017, I began a two-year intensive at the Jing Fang Academy with Dr. Suzanne Robidoux. My research and studies continue with Dr Robidoux to this day.
I am in deep gratitude to Dr. Suzanne Robidoux and Dr. Feng Shi Lun for their dedication and teachings of these ancient principles.

Zhang Zong Jing, author of my bible, the Shang Han Lun, Six Syndromes of Disease, Eight Principles

Spirit Farmer "Shen Nong" revered as the patron saint or God of Herbs and Agriculture
I named my first business Spirit Farmer Acupuncture after SHEN NONG means Spirit Farmer, and he is one of the three immortals of Chinese medicine. He was an Herb Nerd, just like me. Considered a God, he is credited for discovering tea, and agriculture. When a leaf fell into his bowl of water, he detected a change in how his body felt. He continued to taste plants and determine their medicinal properties. Shen Nong became my patron saint as I have shared this practice with him since I was a child. The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing “The Divine Farmer’s (Spirit Farmer’s) Classic on Roots and Herbs is considered the oldest surviving materia medica. We recently completed a 5 weekend training of Single Herbs according to the Shen Nong Ben Cao with clinical notes from Dr Feng Shi Lun and the late Dr Hu Xi Shu.